Dad has done very well since his surgery in February... more recently he decided to try a retirement residence in town.
As of this picture we were in the process of moving him into his new residence. It was not that he really wanted to leave his house... but it is lonely and difficult to be making meals and eating alone day after day... when you are 87 years of age!

Here is a shot of the new sitting room that seemed rather small to start with but now has become quite a cozy and comfortable room.
Looking a little cold... we were getting things in place... and before long... with some lights being hung... and pictures being hung... the room started to take on a lived in... and warmer spot to settle into.

The same place ... a couple weeks later... once the Internet, tv and telephone were connected and he was feeling much better about his new place.

The big hanging light is a treasure that he built a few years ago. Lots of stained glass in it...! The real thing!

A new connection and new address.... but at least the email... stays the same!
Well... almost the same... and while a few "computer challenges" arise... he has quite a few friends that will come along and help when required.

The birds were quiet pets... so they were allowed to come to Pathway's.
Eddy of course moved to live with Phoebe and is hoping that we will all be back in the north real soon!

The furniture from the house fit into the room like it was made for it!! It was a tough decision ... but in retrospect I believe the right one for him at this time.

The girls of course were hung on the wall... right away.. and the furniture placed... to allow for comfort and convenience.
Once Dad moved into his new place he meet his new neighbour who had a four wheeled scooter .... he was impressed with her ability to get around town on her own... and so the search began for a new set of wheels. (quite honestly ... I am glad to see him trade the two wheeler in for a four wheeler!)
So once we all had a turn on this little machine ... we let him park it by his door and went in for a visit!
Some of us... of course had a better excuse for using a scooter... what does mobility mean to someone with a broken ankle!!
No ... you can't take it with us!!
It is Dad's scooter!
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