Our pet moose returned to the pond for snacks again last night... a most impressive creature. I was at least able to get a few shots during her second visit!

Practice with a loader and backhoe... things go slowly but are starting to appear like there is a plan....

Of course, things in the north slowed somewhat while we took time out to visit with our youngest grandson... Luke. For a more complete photo journal and the full story please follow the link to the Burly blog... lot's more pics there with all the boys...

Mom with Luke... after only 8 hours... both doing very well and Mom was ready to head home!! She did stay overnight...

Words just don't capture the feelings of having three grandsons.... they are all unique and very special. More posts to come with features on each of the boys... but for this time Luke gets all the attention.
I just could not help but post a picture of the little girl who a few doors away from the boys... Clare's eyes were just beautiful... so... she gets a spot her as well.
More to follow.... but not tonight!