So ... after writing a great story and trying to post all these pictures... I lost it! For the second time... here are the pictures from a great couple weekends spent with my daughter, her husband and our grandchildren. With many pictures to choose from and oh so many thoughts and comments to share... I need to get these posted and may come back to fill in any blanks!!
Ben is just a delightful little guy to be with. Not only does he go for a nap willingly... he wakes up happy and ready to go!
and go we did... Poppa provided a little babysitting service Saturday while Matt prepared a sermon and Naomi looked after folks at work. Part of the day was spent at the Fun Fair at church... lots to do and see... even a little lamb riding the fire engine! (note... Sam says it is not a fire truck... it is a fire engine!)
Sam was not so sure about riding the horses or ponies until Mom showed up and trotted along side... then we had a couple of turns... with smiles!

A tour of the ambulance...

...followed by more animals...

and then ... the next day a trip to the playground.
Just watch out for the "new... safe slides .... no steel in sight ... but what a shock if you reach out to catch the slider!!! KaBoooom! Ouch!!
So one little soldier just likes to sit at the bottom of the slide... I know there must be something of interest in those soft chips!
A short ride on the motorcycle could be exhausting... unless you are a relaxed rider like Sam!
Ben and Poppa found a comfortable swing ... big enough for Poppa... and Ben!
So... what happens with cool fresh air.... and a gentle swinging motion...
That's right ... a power nap!
Of course Poppa enjoyed this as much as Ben! And as usual... he woke up in time to head off shopping to Trader Joe's for food!

With a little work... Sam tried a new hair colour and length...
A little frog ... quiet ... but bright eyed and full of fun...
a lamb, and a Daddy with hair.... Hmmmm... shiny is not so bad!!!
Riding the ponies was just plain fun once you got used to it!
Of course life as a little lamb is not all fun... especially a two year old lamb! So many things to learn and to share with a little brother!

But Mom and Dad are there to help... and things seem to be going well for both the little frog and our little lamb!