Thursday, January 10, 2008

After all was said and done... Sam was happy to stay up a little longer and help Poppa assembly his Christmas gift... a bird house... Sam ...I'll help start the nail.... Sam .... if I hold the nail.... I will help start it......" Okay Poppa!"

With good intensity, and persistence all the glue was applied, nails were driven, and all parts assembled.

With concentration, Sam was able to drive the nails home and was more than willing to paint it that night... Mom, however, thought that might be a good project for another night!! Wise Mommy!! I have had a report that the house has been painted and is ready to be installed this spring!

Heidi and Poppa were kept busy trying to clear the rink.... be helped by Sam, and to answer the multitude of questions that flowed from his mind! Amazing what that boy thinks about!!

My little pal Ben was just not feeling well at all. That was really too bad 'cuz he really wanted to be on the tractor, and in the snow... but he just couldn't find the get and go to sustain much activity!

Baby Luke was crusin' around the house ... happy as could be while he was mobile... of course he did voice a few complaints with management when he was left to sit on his own!!
Sam on the other hand was ready to get out there and do something!!! Anything!!

Sam, can you see where we are going.... I hope so ... 'cuz somewhere around here is a Silverado... Burgundy... and not real small...
... but definitely undercover tonight!!
Naomi and "her" boys...... later in the week this comment would come back as we left her at home with 2 of the three.... Sam's comment..." have fun with your boys Mommy"

Okay Sam, looks like this guy is ready to watch over the yard for us...
"But Poppa... what is his name? " Luigi.... perhaps!!

Sam, let's walk back up to the house... there might be something warm for us to drink....

Poppa... I think I need more marshmallows... 'cuz ... ' 'cuz the others are all gone now!!
Where did they go Sam?.... I think they melted... and I ate some of them... but not all of them....

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Okay.... the cake is here.... and that name looks familiar... it must be true ... the cake says so! Can it really be that 30 years has passed here at GM...??

Okay Shirley, You and I are here... are there other coming or will we be eating cake for the next month?

Well Harry Stein managed to come through with a few words of encouragement and appreciation. Harry was my first manager when I moved from IPC warranty analysis to Supplier Quality. The best years of my time at GM were during this time!!

And then... the chance to say Thank-you and Farewell! I'm sure there will be more to write about this new stage of life .... stay tuned!

So Ron get one last moment of time to lecture at GM... the instructor just needs a crowd ... and then one can "wax elephants" or wax eloquent just for fun!!

But what people really want to hear.... "Let them eat cake!!"

But they waited patiently ... mostly.... Dave, are you in a hurry to get somewhere , or have you heard this all before?

And the best part... getting to chat with all the folks that made life a GM bearable!!

Greetings All,
Since it has been so long between posts...I thought I would start with a little picture of "Wilson..." Well, you see he got a little too close to a passing porcupine... now they don't look bad in the first shot but when you get a closer look ... you have some seriously sharp points to deal with. Especially since the ball is a basket-ball and not just soft rubber. Oh and by the way ... the ball simply rolled into the porky... it was presented forcefully to him!!

More to follow...