With good intensity, and persistence all the glue was applied, nails were driven, and all parts assembled.

With concentration, Sam was able to drive the nails home and was more than willing to paint it that night... Mom, however, thought that might be a good project for another night!! Wise Mommy!! I have had a report that the house has been painted and is ready to be installed this spring!

Heidi and Poppa were kept busy trying to clear the rink.... be helped by Sam, and to answer the multitude of questions that flowed from his mind! Amazing what that boy thinks about!!
My little pal Ben was just not feeling well at all. That was really too bad 'cuz he really wanted to be on the tractor, and in the snow... but he just couldn't find the get and go to sustain much activity!
Baby Luke was crusin' around the house ... happy as could be while he was mobile... of course he did voice a few complaints with management when he was left to sit on his own!!
Sam on the other hand was ready to get out there and do something!!! Anything!!

Sam, can you see where we are going.... I hope so ... 'cuz somewhere around here is a Silverado... Burgundy... and not real small...
... but definitely undercover tonight!!
Naomi and "her" boys...... later in the week this comment would come back as we left her at home with 2 of the three.... Sam's comment..." have fun with your boys Mommy"
"But Poppa... what is his name? " Luigi.... perhaps!!
Poppa... I think I need more marshmallows... 'cuz ... ' 'cuz the others are all gone now!!
Where did they go Sam?.... I think they melted... and I ate some of them... but not all of them....