After a long night of driving... Actually not as long as expected... a tractor arrived in Bruce Mines Ont.

So with some sleep under our belt the next challenge was to unload this machine and then try it out!

With a little practice the unit becomes less intimidating... but it does still amaze me how operators can smooth the ground and make the bucket go right where they want it to.

Then of course everyone wants to try it out. The fun part is knowing that they are going through the same coordination challenges I am!! Woops.... which way is it supposed to go!

With the Thanksgiving weekend in full swing we had Mary-Ann & David staying in the country with us. It was fun having them here and the weekend flew past. With moonlit nights and chiminea fires to warm the evening the days and nights of the weekend went by all too quickly.

There was time however for Myles the cat to settle in....

With plenty of food to munch on... Stewart and Angie Clark joined us for dinner. Stewart works with David and was enjoying the north on Taylor street for the Weekend. It was a fun having them join us for the day. And Stewart got to try the back-hoe also!! But I don't have his picture!

With a full belly... a rest was a must!!