Who me.... cries Luke with a look of glee!!

Of course, periodically, a lip appears .... and then shortly after the lip.... come real tears and a sound of disappointment!!

But .... Poppa seemed to be able to deal with that and Matt and I had a great day looking after the three boys ... while Mom went to work.

Ben .... is such a cool little guy.... pretty laid back .... and has a grin that just warms you up!!

Ben likes to look out for Luke and does come over on a regular basis to check on him and give him a little pat !! Gently of course!!

Okay Sam... I want to see bubbles.... more bubbles!!!

Luke at time does not need the bubble stick to blow bubbles .... but he does keep the fun going through the day!

Sam has his corner for play .... and keeps himself busy. Of course he also keeps Mom and Dad busy .... just keeping the whole crew on track!
Thanksgiving weekend was warm and beautiful.... with rain, sun & summer temperatures.

Lots of colour.... in some places and still green in others.

Pull Heidi .... we need it out of the water!!

This little falls was found right close to home.... across the lake.... not often does it flow like this though!!

More colours and kid picture to choose from.... but this is a start!