So in the late summer... when the sun still shines ... in the early evening... you can look back at the house from the pond and say ... one of these days I'll be able to sit on the porch of my "little house" and look up at the big house!!

The cat tails are doing well and with the recent rains the water is coming up a little more in the pond. I have lots more room for water since it is down well over 18 inches.

No, they are not all the same shot ... just had orders for a picture from the back of the pond looking toward the house!

So, on the fall weekend ... what better place to go but to the fair ground and watch the horse pull. These big guys are just dancing and when they hear the wipple tree drop onto the hook on the stone boat they just want to go!!

Don't get in their way... they warmed up with 2,000 pounds... and peaked with the last pull having 9,000 pounds of steel rails on the boat!

Rather impressive when you think that the team weighs in at about 3,000 pounds or less.

Of course the fun team that everyone was rooting for was the pony's.... they weighed in at about 1,900 pounds and were able to pull about 4,000 pounds. Lots of fun at the fair....
Sam, Ben and Luke will enjoy this event one of these days... at if the horses are to their liking ... then the demolition derby, tractor pull, or ATV pull just might be!!