Okay... so what does this have to do with anything??? Well, many of you will note that there has not been much posting done over the past month. Many of you will know also that my father has been in hospital and has been through a significant surgery .... and has come through it very well!
While he was recovering from that.... and I was in the north with him... my wife decided that a slip on the ice would provide an interesting way to add to the story line for the Smith soap opera.
The last time we checked... three broken bones in an ankle pretty much covered the bases.... and does not leave anything for weight bearing...
SOOOoooo, that means I am now nursing another patient in the Shwa!!
So far both patients are coming along nicely... don't know which one will win the "congeniality" award!!
More news to follow and probably an update on Phoebe would be good... the little lady is making herself known around the house and can now balance her way across the foot of the brass bed.... amazing balance!
Good to see a new post. Have you gotten a doctor leave to recover from caring for the recovering?
Oops. Just went to Heidi's site and saw that I missed your birthday. Happy be-lated birthday! I bet you had a thrilling day.
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