You will note a cabin in the background in this shot... seems like it is sitting right on the walkway from the lake to the camp!! Hmmm could it be something was and now isn't?

Seems to me Sam and Ben should have a full set of drums at their disposal!! I think even Poppa might enjoy tapping away on them!! We are not sure yet... but we think (well Grandma Smith thinks) that they should be located in Gurnee... Il... Hmmm long way to go to tap out a rhythm

Some things just never change... like the view from the bluff over looking the camp... that is my Grandpa there .... looking quite young!

...and what good kid would be around a motor and not have his hands on the tiller...!Gotto start young on this stuff!!
Hope you enjoyed the past.... the future is approaching at warp speed!

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